In a bid to
blow you away and keep you informed at the same time, we compiled a list of
amazing facts about cars you have never heard.
Did you know
the average car has over 30,000 parts?
92% of new cars
in Brazil use ethanol, which is produced from sugarcane as fuel.
75% of all the
cars that Rolls Royce have ever produced are still road worthy
Volkswagen Own
Bentley, Porsche, Lamborghini, Audi, Ducati and Bugatti.
The First ever
car accident occurred in Ohio, in the year 1891
It’s against
the law to drive a dirty car in Russia
In Turkmenistan car drivers always get
120litres of free petrol monthly.
In 1941, henry Ford made a car out of Soybean
In NYC, it’s illegal to use your horn except it’s an
95% of a cars lifetime is spent parked.
The Arrow next to your fuel gauge tells you which side your
tank is.
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. See the link below for more info.